Thursday, February 21, 2013

January & February Project: Family Binder {Set 3 Movie Inventory}

Hey Musers! 
If you live in Kansas City like me, then you most likely have a snow day! There is so much snow outside, just see for yourself --

The Blizzard of 2013:
Jake shoveling snow from the driveway!
The backyard my birthday present to myself I got the iPhone 5 {OMG I LOVE IT!}.  This is a collage I made of Rosie using one of my new apps. How adorable is this?

{Ok It's been an exhausting week and I've fallen behind once again. However, I have the next few days free. I plan on doing some catch up then.}

Did you notice that I skipped Important School Information and Schedules? I did not need to create a schedule yet because Rosie is obviously not going to school at the moment. However, I am. My school schedule is printed off the internet and that's all I need. 

So the next step in the world of binder love is the Movie Inventory Page.

FYI: all of my designs have been created in either Microsoft Word or Excel unless otherwise noted {the greeting cards are done in Publisher}Have I mentioned my deep intimate love for Microsoft Office? I'm in creative-heaven here!

Take one look at your movie collection. What does it look like? Piled? Shoved in all available space?
So you even know what movies you own? I do not.

Today's post is about how to list our your movies alphabetically with the appropriate genre. 

{And I just had a creative light bulb go off in my head! My next Movie project will be to organize our movie collection alphabetically and to organize all the odds & ends of stuff that has accumulated there.}

Anyway, the first step to Movie Organization Bliss is to take all the movies you own and organize them alphabetically.
Then, begin to write your movies on the Movie Inventory Sheet along with the genre of your choosing. Kids movies even get their own list! 
Next, put the movies back ABC-accordingly. At the moment, Jake and I each have our own bookcase for movies. After the re-organization I will combine our movies to span both bookcases. Half of the alphabet on one side && half on the other. I will also add video games to their own shelves {NEW PRINTABLE? Would you keep your man's video games organized and an inventory list for them? Or leave him to his own space with this one?}
AND, last but not least, trinkets will be placed neatly.

Here is the newest page in the Family Binder series:

I have started adding copyrights to my pages. If you would like to purchase one, please Contact Me

I apologize for the short post, but I'm off to take a nap/read. 
What are you currently reading and what are your plans for the weekend?

xoxo Miss Maully

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My 21st Birthday!!

I had the BEST birthday ever!

I got off work on time and made it home by midnight. My favorite new song was playing on the of course I blasted it and sang along at the top of my lungs. 

Rosie was up when I got home, and I was able to see her smile! {best present of all of course!}

Jake gave me my presents when I got home. He gave me some framed pictures of Rosie, a beautiful card, a desk size organizer for important documents, a candle, a hair product, USB disk and chocolates.

When I woke up this morning, Jake had given Rosie a bath and cleaned the room up. 
He held Rosie while I worked on a blog post.

He had planned a special outing so we got ready to leave and he came out with a basket of crackers, cheese, grapes and strawberries.

He drove us to the Nelson Museum to see an exhibit he knew I would like. However, the museum is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. I could tell he was bummed, so I told him not to tell me what it was and we could go next week. 

We ended up at the park and ate our picnic in the car where we got some cute pictures of Rosie trying to drive! Then we took a short walk with her and left to go get ready for dinner!

We went to dinner with my family at Red Lobster. It was delicious. It took me for freakin ever to decide what to eat because for once, I has so many options to choose from! {being a vegetarian, my options are always limited to 1-3 items} 
I ordered a Triple Berry Daiquiri-yummmmmm.  && some coconut shrimp with broccoli. BTW: Their rolls are SCRUMPTIOUS!

Then {I know, LONG DAY!!} we went back to my parents to have cake and presents. I received What to Expect the First Year, a membership to the Zoo {Um can I say SWEEEET?}, a card, a cool recycled picture frame and a bottle of wine {oooooooh} The cake was German chocolate! && soooo good! 

Jake and I went home for a bit to hang out together. We were both exhausted...and he had to go to work!

It was an AWESOME birthday though. I had a great time with my family && it was a beautiful day!

What more could a 21 year old girl ask for?

Do you remember your favorite birthday? A friends birthday? What were some of your favorite presents?

Pictures to be added on 2/12/2013

xoxo Miss Maully

Monday, February 11, 2013

January & February Project: Family Binder {Set 2 Important Numbers}

Ok, I know I said I would post more regularly. I know you will be happy to know that I have CAUGHT UP on my page designs, so I'll post those sets over the next few days. I made like 5 in one night! 

Do you love greeting cards? 
So do I! Annnd...I have started to design those as well. The idea popped into my head yesterday. I think it originated from a pinsperation. However, I decided to create Jake one for Valentines Day. It is super cute so far! Look for this post on Valentine's Day. <3<3

Tired of you plain old boring Microsoft Office fonts? 
Can you NEVER EVER find one that fits the theme of project you are working on? 
That was the SOML EVERY TIME! When I actually went to the link the picture is pinned from on Pinterest, I found some really cool free fonts. Unfortunately, the site I went to only had a few free ones and then I clicked on something and the next thing I know I had downloaded some weird toolbar. I knew I needed an easier way to get fonts. So, I found these sites HERE & HERE & HERE. Happy designing!

Oh yea! And it's my birthday today! I am finally of legal drinking age! I'm going out to dinner at Red Lobster tonight with Rosie, Jake, my brother && my parents. I'll be having 1 drink {maybe 2}. After that it's back to my parents for presents and cake. 
So far, my birthday has been AMAZING! && its only noon! I'll post all the details tonight!

Here is the much awaited Set 2! This is the Important Numbers Page. I love all the little boxes because it makes finding the number quickly so much easier than a list. I will be adding more numbers as soon as Jake gives me the information!


So what do you think so far? 
How is your Project: Family binder going?

I would love to hear from you in the comment section below! I don't bite!

Remember: I can design these pages for you with personalized pictures, color schemes, designs and information, just Contact Me!!

I will be continuing Project: Family Binder through next month as well. It's been A LOT of work but very rewarding.

xoxo Miss Maully

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January & February Project: Family Binder {Set 1 Important Information}

I envy all those blog mommas that can post every day or every other day. I'm so sorry Musers, but I just cannot do it. However, I will try to update more often! PROMISE!

My daughter may be the youngest baby EVER to have her own email account. I got the idea from either Yahoo or Pinterest...or maybe it was neither. Anyway, I created her an email account so that I could send her pics, videos and letters that she can view and read when she is older. I did have to pay .50 cents to prove that I was her parent (because I put in her actual birthday!) I haven't really had many ideas of letters to write and I can't send any pics or videos until I get my new phone later this month. 

Do YOU have any ideas?

ONWARD to more Family Binder Lovin' =) < I've been trying to get some smilies on here but I think I'm html challenged> 

We have officially started the Our Family Section, the largest section of the binder.

{This is a mini post, one of several.}

Today covers the Important Information.

Financial & Auto Information

Medical Information

Medical Information Con't & Other Numbers

Even though there are some Important Contact Numbers here, there will be a separate Important Contact Numbers section to hold family, friends and neighbors numbers, along with Poison Control, Police: Non-Emergency && more!

And Ok I lied about posting my dream job idea. I am not going to talk about it until I have it in the works. All I will say is that I am starting my own business!!
You can try to guess but I will NEVER tell! Mwahaha.
Goodnight Musers! 

xoxo Miss Maully

Friday, February 1, 2013

January & February Project: Family Binder {Meal Planning Pages}

I know it has been a few days since my last post and I apologize. Life gets a little crazy sometimes and when I can't hold my eyes open anymore, I need to sleep. {okay, okay..maybe I was cheating on you with Pinterest.}

Annnnd you may be happy to know that I am pretty sure I know what I want to do for my career! =)
But, I'm keeping it a secret for now. I'll reveal the Big Idea in a later post!

We've moved from the Calendar && Daily Pages to Meal Planning. This will be 1 of 3 posts for this section. {We have a lot to cover}
Did you know, I haven't even printed any of MY pages out yet? My printer is broken. I figure I'll print them when I'm all done as a reward for all my hard work. But, I keep wishing I had the binder set up because I could && would use it EVERYDAY! 

Anywayyy I have several new pages to show you! 

This is a 3 week meal plan for Dinner. As you can see, we haven't come up with plans for a few days. We are both new to meal planning and so I believe this is a great start. We planned meals where we could use the same ingredients for a couple different meals. We have also started to coupon and price match ad's. 

Isn't this Inventory sheet ADORABLE? I know my parents can use this. They are the worst criminal offenders when it comes to killing perfectly good food {it gets stuck way back in the fridge and they forget they have it} I think this is a great idea if you are going to the store and can't remember if you have a certain product at home. 

Organization isn't something to make you go crazy. And I don't believe that organizational charts, lists and printables makes one crazy. These things are here to IMPROVE our lives and make them easier. And who doesn't want that?
Please share your organization tips with me below!

I'll also add that Rosie has had Thrush since she was born. She has been on medicine for it and I have had trouble getting her prescriptions filled. I called the doctor recently very frustrated because I could not get a hold of anyone and I needed a refill.  They told me that I don't have to give her the medicine. I said WAIT, I'm hearing 2 different stories. She said that both were right. So now, we're trying it without giving her the medicine, and I'm just treating myself. We have a 4 month doctor visit in March so I'll update then or before depending on it it goes away.
Have you or someone you know had a problem with Thrush?

xoxo Miss Maully