Frugal Living

Hi there! I see that you are interested in living a frugal lifestyle. I'm totally with ya!
 We all want to save money, so why do we continue to buy unnecessary items and pay full price for everything?

The reality is that we need to rewind our lifestyle--back to the days of homemade meals, repaired clothes, minimal belongings and borrowed tools.
I know I wasn't alive during that time period, but I have always had this fuzzy feeling that I was meant for this lifestyle. 
However, I have been one bad spender since my teenage years. I have wasted thousands of dollars on junk food, useless crap, clothes, accessories, gas, and other things. Luckily, I realized this phenomenon at at young age, and just when my family is starting out. I feel that I still have time to undo what I have done and start anew. 

This page features the tips, tricks and how-to's of Frugal Living.
I have done extensive research on this topic, and I am glad to be sharing with you!
Check out my progress on my Blog.
{I've just done research, so the journey to this lifestyle will be mine as well. We can do it together!}

Remember--baby steps are the key to embarking on a Frugal Lifestyle.

Couponing is a great way to start saving money. It is really easy to get started, because coupons are all around you. In your Sunday paper, at the grocery store and even through downloadable apps on your phone. It is the newest venture I have started. I found this list of manufactures to email for coupons. When I started researching couponing, I found TONS of resources. It is important to catch sales and reduced prices for even bigger savings. I'm not talking about Extreme Couponers. Unless, of course, that is your goal. I'm talking about drastically reducing your grocery bill and trips to the store. Start by emailing the companies products you use most and signing up to receive a paper. See if your neighbors and friends will give you inserts they receive as well. To me, couponing is a great way to stock up on your families necessities. 


It is very important for you and your family to eat nutritious meals with all of the needed servings of protein, fruits veggies, dairy and pasta and water.To read about healthy eating is or what foods you should consume click here. As my parents always said, "If you can't pronounce the ingredient {or know what it is} then don't eat it. My goal is to start the "caveman diet". The caveman diet is made up of foods that can only be found living, like plants or animals. If it is processed or contains an ingredient that does not come from nature, then forget about it. Why are balanced meals important to living frugally? Because you will save TONS of money {that would otherwise be spent on prepackaged meats loaded with nitrates, ordering pizza or running to pick up fast food}, and you will feel LOADS better! You will be teaching your children the importance of eating healthy and giving them the tools to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

We all want to go back for that second helping of mashed potatoes. The reality is that we just ate tomorrow's leftovers, costing us more money to choose a different side to have with the next day's dinner. 
It is a domino effect.
Portion size is extremely important for saving money and maintaining a healthy diet. I'm noticing a pattern here...the healthier we eat = less money spent! All that you need to measure portions is the nutrition label on the item{s} and/or a measuring cup and spoons. Voila! You can now provide your family with balanced meals with the correct portion size.

Remember: "Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper".

Are you still hungry? 
Then snack! 
Yes, after proving my point that smaller and healthier meals are the key to saving money, I tell you that snacking is OK!
Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. Fresh produce {that is in season} costs way less than prepackaged chips or microwavable meat treats. Try ordering fruits and veggies in bulk from a local supplier or hit up the nearby Farmer's Market. Provide your children with mid-morning, after school and nighttime snacks to keep their appetite regulated and satisfied. 

Balanced Meals + Portion Sizes = Reduced Grocery Cost & a Healthier Family!

{And as an added note, don't forget to eat together as a family!}

Planning the meals you will be eating for the month may take a few minutes now, but save you lots of time and money later on. Sit down and write up themed nights like "Taco Night" or "Chicken Night" for different days of the week. Each week, you can crate something new or cook up a timeless family recipe. By planning meals ahead of time, you know exactly what ingredients to buy and plan several different meals to use the same ingredients, therefore reducing the amount of groceries you need to buy. If you know your friend or family member has a certain spice or herb that you need to use, ask them to borrow it and return the favor in the future. There is no need to buy a $4 jar of Cinnamon Sticks if you are only going to use 1 once!

Honestly, I do not own a Crock-Pot. However, it is on my list of things to get. I have heard so many good things about crock-pots. The crock pot is a families lifesaver on busy nights and there are SO MANY RECIPES that can be made. Just Google "Crock-pot Meals" and start salivating! Prices for new Crock-pots range form $30 -$90, making this investment easy for everyone. 

Three Words. 
Leftovers, Leftovers, Leftovers. 
These are your best friend  Make the whole package of pasta and freeze or refrigerate the rest for tomorrow's lunch at work or Leftover Night {ours are on Sunday's!} 

Oh how the world of Pinterest led us to this moment of inspiration...but we are STILL lazy. Well get up off your booty and let's make some stuff! I'm not just talking about crafts {crafts can be used for gifting!}. I mean serious homemade goodies. Whether it be food, clothes or laundry detergent, homemade is the way to go. Honestly, I'm sick of spending money on things that I KNOW I can make myself. Yes, in order to make things ourselves we need some equipment and supplies. But in the long run, it will totally pay for itself! 


This is one of the most important aspects of living a frugal lifestyle. 

REDUCE the amount of stuff you have, the amount of money you spend and the amount of packaging that ends up in your home. Companies make so much off of packaging! Do you really want to be paying them for the box and design? I know I don't! Also, all that plastic and cardboard ends up in the landfill!

REUSE what you have, your neighbor has, or what the thrift store has. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Not everyone on your street needs their own individual snow blower or leaf blower. In return for borrowing a tool from your neighbor, why not bake them some homemade goodies or craft them a holiday decoration? I'm sure they will be ecstatic! 

RECYCLE EVERYTHING YOU CAN! This allows companies that create new products out of tossed goods to reuse them over again for something new and keeping them out of the landfill! But even before you say..."I recycle my plastic bags"--DON'T even use the plastic bag! Paper or Plastic? NEITHER! Using a reusable cloth bag is the way to go. You may be paying $1 to purchase the bag {I went to a convention and got about 10 for FREE!}, but why not give one as a gift to a friend? A gift idea that is sustainable and cheap! The impact of your actions may not seem very big to you, but for each time you are using that reusable bag, you are saving money somewhere, somehow and that ripple effects back to you. There are SO MANY uses for reusable bags as well! A purse, to hold your books at the library, to be your work tote. Use one to take your lunch to work or school and save money and resources by NOT buying paper sacks! 

It may just be me, but I love the smell of my library. 
Oh and the fact that you can rent movies, CD's, audio-books and regular books is cool too. 
But really, when you are trying to live on the cheap, your local library holds all the answers. You can check out stuff FOR FREE! Imagine the possibilities! Imagine how many books you can find that teach you a craft or trade, like sewing or fixing small problems on your car, like changing your own oil.  Your local library will also host a ton of FREE events, class and activities for both adults and children. I believe you have been to a library before, but how long HAS it been? If you have small children, check out the Children's Section! {You don't want to buy your daughter EVERY Disney movie, do you?}
{Also, you can enjoy FREE tutorial's and how-to's by You-Tubing the topic you are trying to learn.}

Clothes are still clean AND you saves money. A perfect marriage. 

When you walk out of the room, turn the light off. The room will be ok, it doesn'y get afraid of the dark. SAVE THAT MONEY!!

Finally, last but not least-

If you can walk or bike there, DO IT. It will save you gas and money. A plus? You just got some FREE exercise!

Living a Frugal Lifestyle is meant to simplify your life, not create frustrations or stress. Take it easy, learn from trail and error and find YOUR way. Be aware on this journey that you are helping the Planet at the same time. Who doesn't love a bargain? 

NEVER sacrifice your family's heath or safety. 

There are soooo many more tips and tricks, and I'm thinking of a few as I write these last lines. I think this is a great starter list, and I will be adding to it as I embark on my lifestyle change. 

Good Luck to all of you! 
I would love to hear what you are doing to make the change in your lifestyle!

xoxo Miss Maully

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