Friday, May 10, 2013

Miss DIY Momma {Boot Shaper}

Hello all you beautiful people!

Do you want to hear about how the Homemade Laundry Detergent worked?
Uh-Mazing! The soap did not sud very much but I could tell that the water that came out was DIRTY. The clothes smelled clean and felt clean. I just don;t know how to get rid of armpit smell. I couldn't even get it out with regular detergent! Jake's work is very labor intensive and he SWEATS

I love the detergent. I already did about 5 loads and you can't even tell that I dipped itno the detergent! For a scooper I use one of the Similac Formula scoopers. {They can be used for so many things! Country Time Lemonade anyone?}

The DEPOSIT IS DOWN! Now the exact apartment that we want is held for us until Rosie's birth certificate comes in! Then we can complete all the paperwork and apply! =)
I cannot wait to start decorating the apartment! The kitchen will have a sunflower/summer/spring feel and the bathroom will be seaside/nautical. Our bedroom will be bohemian and Rosie's room is Raspberry Jungle theme with pinks and whites. Wow that's all the rooms! And of course every room will be organized with cutesy containers and boxes. 

So...tomorrow is ROCKFEST!!! I am actually a little bit nervous and scared to be away from Rosie all day. It almost has me having second thoughts. But, I know that when I get there I will not have any doubts. Rockfest is the ONLY concert I go to every year and I have only missed ONE year since I started going.  I can LEGALLY drink this year and you best bet I am buying a few drinks! I just wish Disturbed was going to be there...
My super preggo friend is going too! She will be sitting the whole time though. I was pregnant last year by 3 months. 
It is so much fun and a great time. I always look forward to it and have a rockin' good time while I am there. Gotta get my concert T-Shirt!! 

Today I did ANOTHER DIY project. I know, right? Two days in row! 
This was one I had been meaning to do since I got my boots and saw the pin on Pinterest. Yes, my inspiration came from Pinterest. 

Supplies Needed: 
1. One Pool Noodle {purchased for $1.88}
2. Scissors
3. Boots

1. Measure pool noodle against boot to see how much you need to cut off. 

2. Cut pool noodle with scissors.

3 Take the piece you just cut off and measure it against the remaining pool noddle for your 2nd length and cut that one off.

4. Place noodles in your boots and voila!

Show your boots who is boss and prevent wrinkles! 

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! Good luck making your own boot shapers! I am off to bed to get some sleep before the big concert tomorrow!

Goodnight all!

xoxo Miss Maully

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Miss DIY Momma {Laundry Detergent}

Hey lovelies! Guess what I did? 

You guessed it! I FINALLY made my own laundry detergent. 

It's been a long time comin' and I couldn't be more proud! In order to get ready to move I will be painting some furniture, making a coffee table and >> making homemade cleaning supplies, soaps and more. I'm calling these tutorials Miss DIY Momma.

Here is my tutorial for Homemade Laundry Detergent
 {now called the Moore Family Detergent}

Ok so this was SO super easy. It only took me about 20 minutes to complete the whole thing, not including time to gather materials. 

1. Gather materials.
-A 55 oz of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda for $3.24
-A 4 lb 12 oz box of 20 Mule Team Borax for $3.38
-Two 4.5 oz bars of Ivory soap {My mother gave me 2 bars for free}. You can purchase bars in bulk of any bar soap you choose.
-Bucket & measuring cup. {I already had the bucket and measuring cup}. 
-One 1 gallon container. I purchased two 1 gallon containers for $2.97 a piece and didn't need both! So I am going to use the other container for another project. 
-Cheese grater any kind. I purchased a cheese grater for $6.44 that I am going to use for the kitchen after I wash it. {We splurged on the fancy one}

2. Grate 1 bar of soap into a bucket.
 Depending on how big of a batch you are making, the bucket size will differ. This took the longest and made me sneeze really bad. 

3. Measure out 1 cup of Borax and dump into bucket with grated soap.
 Remember: Borax can be harmful if ingested so keep out of reach of the LO's and clean up well afterward. 

4. Measure out 1 cup Washing Soda
 {NOT BAKING SODA} and pour into the bucket with the grated soap and Borax.

5. Dump the grated soap, Borax and Washing Powder from the bucket into the 1 gallon container, screw on lid and SHAKE WELL.
{I felt like a mad scientist doing this and felt like it might explode!}

6. Peel off label and stick on your own!
{I still need to make one}

7. Start using your homemade laundry detergent!
Use 1 Tbsp per load or 2 Tbsp for heavily soiled loads. 

**This is just 1 "serving". You can totally double, triple and even quadruple the amounts to make more! Also, add in an essential oil for amazing fragrance!**

Total Spent: $12.79 {including the cheese grater} {Remember, I already had the bucket, measuring cup and 2 bars of soap. 

<<<I will be using the soap tomorrow and I will let you know how it does!>>>

Have you ever made Homemade Laundry Detergent? How did you like it? What were your results? 
I LOVED making this! I can't wait to make & USE my other cleaners and such. Oh the trials and tribulations of a DIY Addict. 

Tomorrow {well now it is today} I am putting down the deposit on the apartment we want, the one with the laminate hardwood in the kitchen. I was freaking out because I have to wait like a week on Rosie's Birth Certificate and I was afraid that we would loose the apartment we wanted, but that is not the case! We will have our apartment on hold while we wait for her BC to come in the mail. Damn thing cost me $50 so we better get the apartment we want. I keep planning where things will go, how I will decorate, cleaning routines, having my Craft Center set up, my Family Binder on my desk, room for it too early for me to be getting so exited? =)

Love you all! Goodnight and sweet dreams!

xoxo Miss Maully

Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Showers Bring May Snow {Musings Pt. 1}

Hello Fans!

Guess what?
 It's snowing here. 
It was 80 degrees 2 days ago and I was wearing shorts and sweating! 

Jake and I are going to look at an apartment tomorrow. I looked at it a few months ago, but since we think this is the one we are going to move into we are both going to look at it. I am SO exited!

I have not completed any new projects lately. Honestly I have been feeling a tad lazy =O
But, I know I have some catching up to do once we move because my craft center will be up and running! 

However, I did do this little craft project a about a week or so ago. 

I started it before Rosetta was born and then I didn't know what else to do with it until I started doing Spring Cleaning and came across all these little pieces of paper or parts of past projects and some stuff from when I was little. I just couldn't throw it away so I made a sort of Scrapbook! I am going to fill up the whites of the pages with notes, saying, quotes and feelings to make an Art Journal type of thing. I'll call it Project: Art Journal Scrapbook

Oh my goodness I almost forgot! We went to the Zoo the other day! Here are a few photos from our trip!

~ The Kansas City Zoo~
Before leaving. Look how gosh darn cute Rosetta looks! =)

The NEW Green Revolution Building

Rain Barrel

How much water 1 American uses daily: 300 gallons

300 gallons visual



Meerkats!! <3

Family picture!

Wow! That was a big update! How are ya'll doing with your Spring Cleaning! I would LOVE to hear about what is new with you! 

xoxo Miss Maully