Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Serendipitous Summer {Stuff Part 1}

Hello loves! <3
I know practically no one reads this blog...but I'm hoping I will get a nice community of followers one day! Until then I will continue to write like I have thousands of listeners!
I've missed writing but so much has happened in my life since last posting. Rosetta is sitting up now and getting ready to crawl any day. She had her first time at the pool, first time eating baby food {sweet potatoes}, first time sitting in a shopping cart, babbles different syllables...
We moved into our apartment and we all love it. Rosetta has tons of space to roll around and play. We haven't unpacked everything yet but we are close! 
I formally decided to switch majors and I am taking summers classes to work towards getting all my pre-reqs completed so I can apply for the Nursing program to become a Lactation Consultant. I have also done some research in becoming a doula. I really want to teach some classes as well.
I am giving my organization, Sustainability for You {S4U} a makeover. I want to focus on teaching children the importance of living a sustainable life and would love to do classes, parties, and discussions in schools and classrooms.
I have applied for a new job...please send blessings that I will get it because it pays more than my current one!
I have taken up doing yoga when I wake up {and hopefully I can remember to do it before bed!}
I started journaling again and doing the Transform Your Life: A Year of Awareness Practice app for iPhone.
I changed the name of my Facebook Page from Kansas City Feminists to Breastfeeding Feminists.
I crossed 300 followers on Pinterest!
I NEED to continue working on my business, Made by Maully. Unfortunately, I am not the most effective planner, so I usually forget things very easily and do not get things done when I need to. I'm trying to change but I need to step it up...ALOT!
My friend and I will be learning to bake this summer!
&& I can't wait to start making homemade bread and meal plan again!
Though I think I have totally found myself, I am definitely still in the process of figuring out what I want in life and what I really want to do. I have had disappointments in the past of my proposed career and school ideas not working out, but life is all about TRIAL & ERROR right?
I can't wait to post pictures of our apartment, cleaning tips, organization and DIY when everything is unpacked and put away. It all looks like a mess right now!
I will say that I have a craft center, "mud room" marble-top dresser and a sparkling clean kitchen!
Goodnight all!
More to come so stay posted!
xoxo Miss Maully

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