Hello all you beautiful people!
Do you want to hear about how the Homemade Laundry Detergent worked?
Uh-Mazing! The soap did not sud very much but I could tell that the water that came out was DIRTY. The clothes smelled clean and felt clean. I just don;t know how to get rid of armpit smell. I couldn't even get it out with regular detergent! Jake's work is very labor intensive and he SWEATS!
I love the detergent. I already did about 5 loads and you can't even tell that I dipped itno the detergent! For a scooper I use one of the Similac Formula scoopers. {They can be used for so many things! Country Time Lemonade anyone?}
The DEPOSIT IS DOWN! Now the exact apartment that we want is held for us until Rosie's birth certificate comes in! Then we can complete all the paperwork and apply! =)
I cannot wait to start decorating the apartment! The kitchen will have a sunflower/summer/spring feel and the bathroom will be seaside/nautical. Our bedroom will be bohemian and Rosie's room is Raspberry Jungle theme with pinks and whites. Wow that's all the rooms! And of course every room will be organized with cutesy containers and boxes.
So...tomorrow is ROCKFEST!!! I am actually a little bit nervous and scared to be away from Rosie all day. It almost has me having second thoughts. But, I know that when I get there I will not have any doubts. Rockfest is the ONLY concert I go to every year and I have only missed ONE year since I started going. I can LEGALLY drink this year and you best bet I am buying a few drinks! I just wish Disturbed was going to be there...
My super preggo friend is going too! She will be sitting the whole time though. I was pregnant last year by 3 months.
It is so much fun and a great time. I always look forward to it and have a rockin' good time while I am there. Gotta get my concert T-Shirt!!
Today I did ANOTHER DIY project. I know, right? Two days in row!
This was one I had been meaning to do since I got my boots and saw the pin on Pinterest. Yes, my inspiration came from Pinterest.
1. One Pool Noodle {purchased for $1.88}
2. Scissors
3. Boots
1. Measure pool noodle against boot to see how much you need to cut off.
2. Cut pool noodle with scissors.
3 Take the piece you just cut off and measure it against the remaining pool noddle for your 2nd length and cut that one off.
4. Place noodles in your boots and voila!
Show your boots who is boss and prevent wrinkles!
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! Good luck making your own boot shapers! I am off to bed to get some sleep before the big concert tomorrow!
Goodnight all!
xoxo Miss Maully